
Walk & Talk

At 11:45 meet at the Service Desk as our Mood Manager kicks things off by giving you a theme for the day. You will share a (20-30)min walk with your designated partner and get to talk and reflect together about the day\’s theme, or a topic or challenge of your choice. You will be back in the bistro by 12.15 at the latest, with new insights, skills and contacts, ready for a good lunch and continuing your working day.

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Ansök om medlemskap !

Ansök om medlemskap !

Ansök om medlemskap !

Ansök om medlemskap !

Ansök om medlemskap !

Testa The Park

Tipsa om en gäst

Skriv in gästens uppgifter nedan så tar vi från The Park kontakt

Ansök om medlemskap !

Ansök om medlemskap !

Begär offert

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Boka Visning Studios !

Boka Visning !

BOKA EN VISNING för konferens!

Boka Visning !