
Unleash your passion with Movem at the Urban Kizomba Celebration!

Are you ready to immerse yourself in the rhythm of love and experience a dance like no other? Look no further! This Saturday, and for three future Wednesdays, Movem hosts urban kizomba sessions just around the corner here at The Park!

Kizomba hails from Angola and has taken the world by storm with its smooth and sultry moves. The word “Kizomba” itself means “party” in Kimbundu, and that’s exactly what you can expect! 

They’re meeting tomorrow on the 16th at The Park for a full day of dancing. If you want to try it too, sign up here! If you can’t make it tomorrow, you can still make their later sessions on the 20th and 27th of September, and the 4th of October!

See you soon! 

Get you ticket here!

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