Sverige möter framtidens utmaningar: JobTech vs SecurityTech

Sveriges ökande uppmärksamhet i världen sätter säkerhet i fokus. Hot som dataintrång och skydd av känslig information står högt på agendan för svenska företag, organisationer och myndigheter. “JobTech vs SecurityTech” är var ett event som möjliggjorde samarbete mellan två teknikområden, för att främja säkerheten och öka Sveriges motståndskraft. Sverige har under en längre tid varit […]

Embracing Creativity and Connection at The Park coworking space

Yesterday, we had an event that was all about embracing creativity and making meaningful connections. It was a refreshing break from the usual small talk. In co-working spaces, we met a diverse group of people with various skills, all focused on working together, sharing ideas, and building a collaborative professional community.   Creative Meet & […]

STHLM.Breath sessions at The Park

In our fast-paced lives, we often overlook the profound impact that something as simple as our breath can have on our well-being. Breathwork, a practice deeply rooted in ancient traditions, is gaining recognition in the modern world for its myriad of benefits. Let’s delve into the transformative power of conscious breathing and how it can […]

The Benefits of Afterworks in a Coworking Space

In today’s busy work world, coworking spaces have become much more than just places to work. They’ve transformed into communities that encourage collaboration, creativity, and personal growth. One special part of building this community is the “Afterwork” event. These gatherings offer coworking members a lot more than what they get during regular work hours. Benefits […]

Givande Lunch & Learn med AI for HR

Idag hälsades deltagarna varmt välkomna till ett spännande Lunch & Learn-seminarium där de tillsammans utforskade framtidens möjligheter för HR med stöd av AI. Eventet startade med en gemensam lunch och möjlighet till nätverkande, följt av en inspirerande föreläsning som leddes av Thomas Eklöf. Thomas Eklöf tog oss med på en resa genom de senaste trenderna […]

Upskill and reskill: Insights from THE THIRD EDITION OF THE Freelance Mornings Event

In a world where change is a constant, the ability to adapt and learn continuously is a lifeline for freelancers. Embracing a growth mindset, actively seeking opportunities for skill development, and staying ahead in a dynamic professional landscape are all essential for success. UPSKILL AND RESKILL: freelance mornings version 3 Emelie Fågelstedt & Rasmus Solholm […]

Startups in Stockholm Shine at Founders Live Pitching Night

Founders Live, the world’s biggest startup pitching community, yesterday hosted the October Edition of Stockholm Pitching Night. This event brought together Stockholm’s lively startup community and featured five impressive startup teams. What makes Founders Live events stand out is their unique 99-second pitching style, where entrepreneurs must present their ideas succinctly and effectively. This not […]