
Startups in Stockholm Shine at Founders Live Pitching Night

Founders Live, the world’s biggest startup pitching community, yesterday hosted the October Edition of Stockholm Pitching Night. This event brought together Stockholm’s lively startup community and featured five impressive startup teams.

What makes Founders Live events stand out is their unique 99-second pitching style, where entrepreneurs must present their ideas succinctly and effectively. This not only keeps the audience engaged but also challenges startups to refine their pitches to the essentials. After each pitch, there was a 4-minute Q&A session for a deeper dive into the presented ideas.

Congratulations to ‘Your Beet’ for winning!

Thank you to www.iinvested.events for photographing the event!

Do you also want to manage events?

This event was made possible with the help of The Park’s Engine. You can learn more about The Park’s studio facilities at https://thepark.se/studios/.

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