
Founders Live’s Stockholm Pitching Night Showcases Innovative Startups

The world’s largest startup pitching community, Founders Live, recently hosted their much-anticipated September Edition Stockholm Pitching Night. The event brought together Stockholm’s vibrant startup community and featured five remarkable startup teams!

One of the unique aspects of Founders Live events is their signature 99-second pitching format, which challenges entrepreneurs to convey their ideas concisely and effectively. This format not only keeps the audience engaged but also pushes the startups to refine their pitches  down to the essentials. Following each pitch, a 4-minute Q&A session allowed for in-depth exploration of the ideas presented.

Key ecosystem partner, Venture Cup Sweden, attended the event. During the Stockholm Pitching Night, their Regional Manager East, Mehkar Sheikh, announced the launch of their annual Idea competition.

Naimul Abd, Regional Director Nordics for Founders Live, commended The Park, the venue for the event, for its consistent support of startup pitches: “The Park continues to be the best startup pitching venue, great work by the studio team for amazing audio-visual effects to synch with the startup pitches.”

Events like Founders Live’s Stockholm Pitching Night serve as vital platforms for startups to gain visibility, connect with the community, and secure valuable feedback. These gatherings not only celebrate innovation, but also foster collaboration among entrepreneurs and organizations dedicated to promoting entrepreneurship, and we could not be happier to host these events here at The Park.

Special congratulations to Boni for winning the September Edition of Founder’s Live! We’re are looking forward to seeing what comes next. 

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