
Meet Shaena, new member at The Park!

Meet Shaena, the newest member at The Park! Shaena has been bringing her light and energy to the Park for a few weeks, and we feel incredibly lucky to have her as one of our members. A professional wingwoman, she is a people person at heart with a gift for forging lasting connections. She is your secret weapon for networking, with a touch of event-planning wizardry thrown in for good measure.

She’s been referred to as an “experience industry influencer” or “a walking LinkedIn,” but all Shaena really cares about is bringing people together in new and exciting ways. She truly embodies the values behind the Park, proving that the power of networking can change the world and that it’s when we grow together that we accomplish great things.

We asked her what she was passionate about or working on lately, and she responded with the powerful video below about a topic very close to her heart.

“Hi! I’m Shaena, a new member at The Park, and I’m a professional wingwoman—I connect people to opportunities. Right now, I’m actually working on something quite personal. My mom has been diagnosed with lung cancer, and she started a charity 40 years ago in my hometown of Winnipeg, Canada. She’s raising money for that charity, which was the first Make-A-Wish charity, now called the Dream Factory. She aims to raise $60,000 for her living memorial, and what I’m trying to do is reach out to Ryan Reynolds because he is Canadian, kind, and believes in philanthropy. So, if anyone can tag him, I want to get this in front of him. Maybe he can help us amplify this message and reach the goal of $60,000 before she passes away.”

Shaena loves connecting people to the right person for them. Let’s help Shaena make her connection! If you know someone who knows Ryan Reynolds, please shre this article. Show that with the power of networking, we can move mountains!


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