
Do you want to share your growth story?

At all three (soon four!) of The Park’s locations, there is an abundance of both personal and professional diversity. People work within every sort of industry you could imagine between retail, consultation, robotics, life science, gaming, and much more. When you sit down with people you quickly learn that regardless of industry or profession, our members have incredible stories to tell. And at The Park, we believe that these stories are worth sharing. 

Through our members news room (which you can read about here), we share the comings and goings of the businesses here at The Park, highlighting their achievements and telling the world about them. However, we also want to highlight the individual people behind these businesses, who truly make The Park come alive. 

We believe that by sharing these stories, we can celebrate our members’ successes, and inspire others on their own journeys. Whether it’s overcoming challenges, seizing opportunities, or pushing boundaries of innovation, these stories show the diverse pathways to success one can take. 

We want to know three things: Who are you, how did you get here, and where are you going? Your journey is unique, and your experiences are valuable. Whether you’ve been a part of our family for years or are just starting your journey here at The Park, we’re eager to learn about your experiences, dreams, and aspirations.

So regardless if you are an old or new member at The Park, we’d like to hear about you. Reach out to one of our community managers, Henrik@thepark.se or Ronja@thepark.se, and we’ll share your story through our channels. 

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