
Discover Creativity and Connections at The Park

In a world where everyday conversations can get a bit dull, there’s a special event on the horizon. It’s all about embracing your creativity and making meaningful connections. Imagine breaking free from the usual chit-chat and connecting with people who appreciate authenticity. In co-working spaces, you meet a diverse group of people with various skills. The focus is on working together, sharing ideas, and creating a community of professionals eager to learn and collaborate! 

Soul Canvas wants to create a different kind of networking experience. It’s all about connecting through art and co-creation, not just exchanging business cards! Craving more creativity and meaningful connections? Join Soul Canvas and Bérénice Antoinette Robaglia on October 25th (17:30-19:00) for a unique networking event where you’ll co-create art and connect in a refreshing way! Soul Canvas use the format of speed dating for speed creating. The idea is to make you create intuitively with different mediums while networking!

Why You Should Attend?

This event breaks the mold of regular networking. Here’s why it’s a great opportunity:

  • Real Connections: Instead of surface-level small talk, you’ll meet like-minded people who value creativity and authenticity.

  • Unleash Your Creativity: It’s a chance to let your creative side shine, with plenty of room for fresh ideas and new perspectives.

  • Learn to Collaborate: In today’s world, working together is key. This event teaches you how to work naturally and creatively with others.

  • Beyond the Norm: This event is refreshingly different from typical networking events, focusing on authentic connections and creativity.


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Do you also want to host an event? 

Read more at www.thepark.se/bandstand

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