Life-long learning: An added benefit of the co-working space

In today’s rapidly evolving world, the concept of lifelong learning has gained significant importance. Gone are the days when education was confined to formal institutions and concluded with a degree. In the digital age, learning is a continuous journey, and individuals are expected to adapt and acquire new skills throughout their lives to stay competitive […]
Bli inte lurad! Vikten av informationssäkerhet lyfts på The Park

Med dagens oroliga världsläge så finns det vissa grupper med särskilda uppgifter i syfte att skydda Sveriges befolkning från utomstående hot. En sådan grupp är Myndigheten för psykologiskt försvar (MPF). Vill Stärka Sveriges Civilförsvar MPF värnar det öppna och demokratiska samhället och den fria åsiktsbildningen genom att identifiera, analysera och bemöta otillbörlig informationspåverkan och annan […]
Try podcasting at The Park!

Podcasting is a passport to a world of storytelling, connection, and impact. With just a microphone and a unique perspective, you can share your passions, expertise, and stories with listeners worldwide. Whether you’re a budding freelancer, an entrepreneur, an expert in your field, or simply passionate about a topic, podcasting empowers you to inform, entertain, […]
Do you want to share your growth story?

At all three (soon four!) of The Park’s locations, there is an abundance of both personal and professional diversity. People work within every sort of industry you could imagine between retail, consultation, robotics, life science, gaming, and much more. When you sit down with people you quickly learn that regardless of industry or profession, our […]
Strengthening Innovation Ecosystems: The Park and Mastercard Lighthouse Community Partnership

An exciting community partnership is happening between The Park and Mastercard Lighthouse MASSIV program in 2023! Mastercard Lighthouse MASSIV aims to support startups focused on promoting sustainability and making a positive social impact through technology. Mastercard Lighthouse MASSIV is a leading partnership platform in the Nordics and Baltics. They want to help startups that […]
Summer’s out, autumn’s in!

Thanks to everyone who came around to The Park’s Summer After Work 2023, we had a great time and we hope you did too! In our busy schedules, an AW is great for stepping out of the office and meeting your colleagues outside of the workplace. While we spend a significant portion of our waking […]
Enhancing Your Coworking Experience: Become a Tribe Leader at The Park

One of the wonderful aspects of being part of The Park is the opportunity to connect with new and exciting individuals who can become collaborators, both professionally and socially! Coworking transforms the conventional 9-5 routine into something much more dynamic. This shift can occur through daily activities like a friendly game of ping pong, weekly […]
Founders Live’s Stockholm Pitching Night Showcases Innovative Startups

The world’s largest startup pitching community, Founders Live, recently hosted their much-anticipated September Edition Stockholm Pitching Night. The event brought together Stockholm’s vibrant startup community and featured five remarkable startup teams! One of the unique aspects of Founders Live events is their signature 99-second pitching format, which challenges entrepreneurs to convey their ideas concisely and […]
Nytt community för life science

Vi är glada att meddela att det snart är dags för att vara en del av life science i Hagastaden vid Karolinska i januari 2024. The Park Forskaren kommer att förena det bästa av två världar – coworking och Life Science – i en dynamisk miljö som främjar innovativa samarbeten. Dagens visning bjöd på både […]
Unlock Possibilities! Host Creative Events for Free at The Park Bandstand

Last week Tony Rush organized a gathering for British expats working in Stockholm. This resulted in an evening filled with shared childhood classics like Twiglets, Monster Munch, and Cheese Footballs. One of our prominent assets is our new event concept called Bandstand. It is a versatile event space available to performers, producers, and professionals for […]