Ett snack med Carolina på Athenas!

Vi satte oss med The Park medlem Carolina Ekstedt, som jobbar som Head of Speaker Development and Strategy på talarbyrån Athenas AB.  Carolina, kan du berätta lite om Athenas? “Athenas är den största leverantören i Sverige, Norden och topp 5 i världen på att leverera uppdragstagare över hela världen med erfarenhet av de flesta branscher. […]

Member portrait: Berenice Robaglia

Meet Bea, a creative soul and entrepreneur who has been a Tribe Leader at The Park since late 2023. We asked her to tell us a bit about herself and her company! “I’m Bea, I am an artist and an entrepreneur with the firm conviction that art is not about the end-product but about the […]

Meet Shaena, new member at The Park!

Meet Shaena, the newest member at The Park! Shaena has been bringing her light and energy to the Park for a few weeks, and we feel incredibly lucky to have her as one of our members. A professional wingwoman, she is a people person at heart with a gift for forging lasting connections. She is […]

Lunch and learn – how to start and grow a podcast!


Meet The Park member Maddy Savage, a freelance BBC podcaster, host and early adopter of the podcasting trend. Moving to Stockholm in 2014, she started the podcast The Stockholmer a few years later, targeting other internationals in the city, and has since then worked as a freelancer to help others who are interested in starting […]

Några snabba med Malin Rapp – årets talare 2023!

Malin Rapp är årets talare 2023, motivationsexpert och en inspirerande föreläsare inom välmående, motivation, ledarskap och lärandekultur. Självledarskap är kärnan i hennes föreläsningar som handlar om att leda sig själv utifrån sina värderingar och styrkor för att bäst bidra till gemensamma mål.    Vi fångade henne efter en inspirerande frukostföreläsning på The Park Södra och […]

Calling all young startups and SMEs in sustainability!

Welcome to the upcoming information seminar introducing the Baltic Impact Accelerator, designed to facilitate the sustainable growth of startups and SMEs in the Central Baltic Region! Agenda: 15:00 – Coffee and networking 15:30 – Guest Speakers’ Presentations 16:30 – Panel discussion 17:00 – Closing the event Please note that the number of places is limited, […]

Want to host an event at The Park Forskaren?

Are you an event organizer or network leader in the field of life science? We want to collaborate with you! The Park’s life-science hub in Forskaren is more than just a place; it’s a thriving community of passionate individuals dedicated to advancing the life science industry. The Park provides a unique platform for event organizers […]

The Power of Mindfulness in Personal and Professional Growth

Mindfulness is more than a practice its a strategic asset in the professional sphere, enhancing cognitive flexibility and fostering an innovative mindset. It has great value in achieving a heightened state of awareness, crucial for navigating the complexities of today’s business and educational challenges. It equips individuals with the mental clarity needed to break through […]

NOVEMBER KARAOKE AW at the park coworking

As the days grow shorter and the holiday spirit begins, we find ourselves in that unique period of time nestled between the joyous festivities of the past and the much-anticipated celebrations yet to come. It’s during this in-between season when the world outside seems to hush, and a certain magic fills the air. We’ve discovered […]