
Hyper Island Master Students

A group of dedicated master students from Hyper Island are now taking residence at The Park Södra for an intensive five-week project. Their mission? To enhance the coworking environment at The Park and put their skills in digital management to the test.

The Park is thrilled to welcome an inspiring group of master students from Hyper Island to its premises at The Park Södra. Over the next five weeks, these students, currently pursuing an MA in Digital Management, will immerse themselves in the coworking environment and work on creating innovative solutions to enhance the workspace.

Through a collaboration with The Park, the students have been tasked with developing and rejuvenating the coworking concept on-site. Their expertise in digital management will be crucial as they explore ways to improve collaboration, increase productivity, and create an even more inspiring work environment.

“The Park is always open to new ideas and perspectives, and partnering with Hyper Island gives us a fantastic opportunity to incorporate fresh innovation and creativity into our coworking space,” says Micke, CEO at The Park.

Throughout the five weeks, the students will participate in workshops, conduct user interviews, and analyze the current workspace to identify improvement opportunities. The results of their work is expected not only to strengthen The Park’s coworking offering but also to provide valuable insights for the workplaces of the future.

Follow The Park on social media to track the students’ progress and witness how these unique ideas take shape in an even more dynamic work environment at The Park Södra.

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