
Furhat Robotics- Pioneering the Future with Social Robots Redefining Human-Tech Interaction

In this tech-forward era, Furhat Robotics, aka Furhateers, stands out as a group of scientists and explorers on a mission to simplify how people connect with technology using social robots.

Their goal? Create social robots that feel natural to interact with, just like chatting with friends. Furhateers isn’t just a team; they’re a bunch of tech enthusiasts making gadgets more user-friendly.

The journey began over a decade ago, aiming to build the world’s friendliest robot. Now, Furhat’s social robots go beyond mere gadgets, designed to understand and respond to human emotions, creating a deeper bond between humans and machines.

Speaking of neighbors, let’s talk about Furhat Robotics in Södermalm. Originating from KTH Royal Institute of Technology in 2014, they’ve been transforming our interactions with machines through Furhat, a social robot that speaks multiple languages.

Not just a mimic, Furhat engages in conversations, finding use in education, healthcare, and customer service. Upgrades were introduced in 2018 at the Web Summit in Lisbon, making it even better at understanding and responding to us.

In 2022, Furhat Robotics joined forces with Misty Robotics in the US, expanding their influence in social robotics. During the pandemic, they adapted by offering free software, keeping the robotics community engaged.

For those curious about Furhat Robotics, their robots start at $15,000, representing a cool investment in cutting-edge tech.

So, next time you spot someone from Furhat Robotics at The Park Södra, don’t hesitate to strike up a chat. They’re not just neighbors; they’re part of what makes our co-working space uniquely innovative. 

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