
Hack for Earth Youth Hackathon at COP27

The world needs real action on climate change now.  Hack for Earth who have been part of The Park Södra since the beginning made some real action at COP27 last week. 1864 Teams from 125 Countries worked together to create real solutions to the world challenges with 100 coaching mentors. 

‍Winners presented their solution directly to world leaders at the United Nations climate conference COP27 in Egypt and now joining the Build for Earth acceleration program designed to make your solution a reality. This is how youth will create real action on climate change!

Hack for Earth Youth hackathon at COP27 gathered young people 16-35 years old from 125 countries for 48 hours, and created real solutions to climate change.

1864 teams competed and pitched their solutions to world leaders at COP27, Monday, Nov 14th.
The winners from the seven challenges will all enter the customized Build for Earth acceleration program, designed to make their solutions a reality.

The seven challenges and the winners are:
1. Transport (winning solution is Green Wasalny)
2. Agriculture (winning solution is Agrotech Plus)
3. Biodiversity (winning solution is EvolveNet)
4. Smart Cities (winning solution is Klean AIR)
5. Energy (winning solution is DeBattery)
6. Natural Resources Management (Wiper Transformation)
7. Sustainable Digital Solutions (winning solution is SMALLSAMLLbig)



By connecting brilliant minds from all around the world in the global online hackathon Hack for Earth, we will create real solutions to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.‍ But where other hackathons end, we level up! After the confetti at the prize ceremony has gone away, we offer the winning solutions a spot in our Acceleration Program “Build for Earth” supported by our Partner Community. This is where we make the winning solutions come to life and create real value for the people and the planet. Citizen-driven innovation, we like to call it.

The Jury members did evaluate the solutions according to the six Jury criteria:
Diversity, Comprehensibility, Realisability, Innovativeness, Scalability, and Solving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
The Jury is consisting of a diverse set of highly skilled professionals, with deep knowledge of what it takes to make a great idea a reality. The Jury members are CEO’s, climate experts, Director Generals, entrepreneurs, and previous hackathon winners, who know firsthand what it takes to make a great idea come to life after you win a hackathon.

More about the challenges and the solutions on our website www.hackforearth.com. The winners were announced in a live-streamed event at COP27, in the United Nations Climate Change Global Innovation Hub. You can watch the Prize Ceremony on the homepage also.

More about Hack for Earth Foundation
Hack for Earth Foundation is the result of one passionate, dedicated doer-woman following her dream – a woman with the possibility to bring her vision to life with her own means. By taking her extensive experience with innovation for the good of society to the next level, Ann Molin aims to create an international platform for global change.

Through her work as Head project manager for the Government mission Hack for Sweden, Hack the Crisis Sweden, Kids Hack the Crisis and more she has a unique profile as the Founder and President of our foundation. Realizing that in order to make a real change she needed to make some radical career changes, she didn’t hesitate to take the leap from public sector to start her own foundation.

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